Search results for ' Chicago Fire'

The wizard rules the US BO!

The wizard rules the US BO!

Rediff.com7 Jun 2004

US Vice Prez Biden leads White House Diwali celebrations

US Vice Prez Biden leads White House Diwali celebrations

Rediff.com15 Nov 2012

Just one week after United States President Barack Obama's convincing re-election, his faithful Vice President Joseph Biden led the White House celebration of Diwali, reflecting on the significance of festival of lights, and also acknowledging the presence of Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu American elected to the US Congress, and also Ambassador Nirupama Rao, who like Gabbard, seemed to have that gravitational pull in terms of the guests wanting to pose for pictures with them

Shrek 2 devours USBO

Shrek 2 devours USBO

Rediff.com24 May 2004

'Underworld' conquers USBO!

'Underworld' conquers USBO!

Rediff.com22 Sep 2003

'Muslims didn't bomb twin towers. Terrorists did'

'Muslims didn't bomb twin towers. Terrorists did'

Rediff.com24 Aug 2010

The two Indian Americans on the White House inter-faith council, Eboo Patel, a Muslim, and Anju Bhargava, a Hindu, have strongly endorsed United States President Barack Obama's support for the proposed mosque cum community and Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero in New York, saying it was a constitutional issue with regard to freedom of religion that had to be protected zealously

USBO: Mean is in!

USBO: Mean is in!

Rediff.com3 May 2004

Raghuram Rajan: An economist with a difference

Raghuram Rajan: An economist with a difference

Rediff.com5 Jul 2003

Only time will tell whether an individual like Rajan would be able to influence the manner in which the Fund looks at the rest of the world, especially developing countries.\n\n

An Indian tribute: Paul Samuelson, Guru

An Indian tribute: Paul Samuelson, Guru

Rediff.com17 Dec 2009

'In the 1990s after we ushered in reforms, Paul Samuelson wrote me a letter expressing happiness that "at last, India has discovered economic growth."'

Gun culture on the rise among Indian Americans

Gun culture on the rise among Indian Americans

Rediff.com11 Jun 2009

From being the victim to becoming the aggressor, Indians are fast changing from a peace-loving community to a gun-toting one. Last month saw eight massacres across the United States, killing 57 people. Guns were the weapons of murder in each case.Many Indian Americans buy and carry guns out of necessity. Others buy it with the view to having another fancy possession. But when you have a gun in your hands, the temptation to use it also goes up, police and other experts warn.

Why the women of Wall Street are disappearing

Why the women of Wall Street are disappearing

Rediff.com7 Mar 2009

After the scandals of the 1990s, didn't investment banks put sexist employment practices behind them? Evidently not.

Losing the 'Seeing Eye'

Losing the 'Seeing Eye'

Rediff.com17 Jun 2003

Are film critics 'retards'?

Are film critics 'retards'?

Rediff.com3 Oct 2007

Bolly Woods does not think so.

'Who's the world's worst terrorist?'

'Who's the world's worst terrorist?'

Rediff.com30 Aug 2004

How math geeks are changing IBM

How math geeks are changing IBM

Rediff.com5 Mar 2007

Brenda Dietrich revels in theory but lives in the real world--and her team of math geeks is changing the way IBM works.

Goodbye, Mr P!

Goodbye, Mr P!

Rediff.com10 Nov 2005

The man who lead the investigation

The man who lead the investigation

Rediff.com19 Sep 2006

Larry Ellison's bossy life at Oracle

Larry Ellison's bossy life at Oracle

Rediff.com11 Aug 2006

Doctor in three flavors

Doctor in three flavors

Rediff.com21 Jul 2004

In real life, juggling his various selves comes easy for Reef Karim.

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